
3 QR codes that Photographers Need in Landing Clients


QRStuff Admin

QR codes are a powerful tool that photographers and videographers can use as part of their marketing efforts. Every year, photographers and videographers lose a staggering amount of potential clients because they don't know how to market themselves properly. Either they can't afford  professional marketing materials or they do not have a marketing strategy in place.

But what if there are marketing tactics using QR codes that can help?

Nowadays, everyone has a camera on them at all times and can take photos as well as an experienced photographer. If you're not using these 3 QR code marketing strategies, then you're missing out on capturing your potential client's attention and getting more business!

Why Include QR Codes in Marketing Your Photography Business

What are QR codes? QR stands for Quick Response. They are square barcodes that can store about 4,296 alphanumeric characters inside them. You can scan the QR code with your Android or iPhone device using a free app on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Clicking on it takes you to a web page that has the information you are looking for.

The best thing about QR codes is that they can store all kinds of data inside them including text, videos, presentations, coupons, and much more. With this in mind, it makes it easy to attract your target audience's attention with a QR code or two. Whether you place the code on your business cards, website, or emails, there is not hassle in scanning a QR code.

Another thing about QR codes, it doesn't have to take a lot of space in your business card, website, emails, etc. QR codes are the most practical and the most efficient way to maximize a small space in any marketing material.

Here are marketing strategies that use QR codes for photographers to land their next clients.

Including PDF QR codes in Your email Newsletter 

Nurturing your email list is a great way to build up the potential of new clients.

You can use your newsletter as an excellent channel for updating your audience on what's happening with you, like sharing recent blog posts or other work projects!

By doing this, you're keeping yourself at the top of your audience's minds. Keeping your audience in the loop of what's going in with you gains their trust over time.

And when the need for photographers arises, they will turn to you.

When you have new work, you can update your portfolio and share it as a PDF QR code to your email subscribers.

This is one of the useful QR codes for photographers that can help them get more clients.

Creating a PDF QR Code

Generating a PDF QR code is easy at QR Stuff. All you need is your pdf file then proceed to the following steps outlines below:

  1. First, go to and have the “PDF file” data type pre-selected from the Data Type section. pdf data type
  2. Upload your PDF document in the Content section, either browse or “drag-and-drop” content for PDF
  3. You may now download your finished QR download PDF QR code

URL QR Codes for Referral Programs

What can be a better way to get more clients than to ask for referrals?

Referrals are great! When you have a client who's happy with your work, they will most likely want to share it with their friends and family. So why not ask for referrals?

Maximize your efforts on getting more clients from referrals. Add a QR code that links to your referral program in your website, newsletters, and even in onboarding process.

A referral program can be giving a discount to your client the next time they avail of your service. Or maybe, give them a gift certificate for every referral that avails your service.

Doing this is just a small token that your client can get out of referring you to their connections. And in turn, create more opportunities for you.

All you need is a landing page for your referral program containing your online portfolio, social media pages, and contact information so that clients can reach you.

Using this kind of QR code for photographers also increases the possibility of getting more clients. 

Adding a Review QR code

Another effective way to attract your next clients is through reviews by your past clients.

Good reviews prove your expertise and it makes it easier for people outside your connections to trust you.

When sending your deliverables to your client, including a review QR code on your output makes it easier for clients to give you a review. Doing this also saves you and the client time.

Review QR codes for photographers are essential. It increases the possibility for clients to leave a review. Since they only need to scan a QR code and they don't need to type or search for the website.

Creating a Website QR Code

Whether you're creating a QR code for your referral program or for a review page, the steps to create the corresponding QR code are similar. Here's how:

  1. First, go to and have the “Website URL” data type pre-selected from the Data Type website data type
  2. In the Content section, enter the URL of the website where you need to link the QR content for QR
  3. Wait for the QR code generator to finish processing, then click the “Download QR Code” download QR

Make it a Bit Fancy PDF QR

Paid QR Stuff subscribers have access to additional features and options for their QR code, including the Style section. This feature allows you to change the appearance of your QR code and create QR codes with logo. You can add a logo, change the background and foreground colors, or alter the shape of the dots on the QR code.

The image on the right shows how your QR codes with logo might look after you’ve styled it with various colors. Just make sure you test and scan your QR codes with logo before using it.

Paid users can also change the size, resolution, file type, and error correction level of their QR code. customize QR code

Subscribers Get More QR Stuff!

Become a QR Stuff paid subscriber and get unlimited QR codes, unlimited scans, analytics reporting, editable dynamic QR codes, high resolution, and vector QR code images, batch processingpassword-protected QR codesQR code stylingQR code pausing and scheduling, and more, for one low subscription fee.

Full subscriptions start from just $11.95 for a 1-month subscription (lower monthly rates for longer periods). Subscribe subscribe

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