Data Types

How to Collect Data Using QR Codes for Survey Forms

Collecting user data is very common today. Almost every establishment or business has the need...

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Data Types

Creating Individual QR Codes Using Attendance Tracking Data Type

Monitoring attendance is an important thing to do in schools and in offices. This tedious...

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Data Types

QR Codes for Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day, you are probably thinking of a unique way to show your partner...

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Data Types

QR Codes for Sharing Audio Files

Audio files can be a useful format for business people in sharing information with their...

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Skype QR Code

Data Types

QR Codes For Skype Calls

Head over directly to the call feature on Skype with the use of QR codes....

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Email QR Code

Data Types

Email Address QR Codes

Using a QR code for email lets you automatically place the email address of your...

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Email Message QR Codes

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QR Codes For Email Messages

By just scanning a QR code, you can now automatically send email messages to your...

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Phone Number QR Code

Data Types

Telephone Number QR Codes

Generate your own Telephone Number QR codes to share your contact numbers to family members...

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QR Coes For Linked In

Data Types

LinkedIn QR Codes

Create free and non-expiring LinkedIn QR codes to help you expand your professional network, share...

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Data Types

QR Codes For Instant Messaging With Whatsapp, Facebook And SMS

Instant messaging is more than just chatting with friends, with many businesses now using it...

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