

QR Code Rubber Stamp

QR Code Rubber Stamps & Stencils

Bryan at Holmes Stamps in Florida contacted me on Twitter the other day to let me know that they were making QR code rubber stamps. Holmes is a family business that’s been going since 1954 and this is just another way they’re making old school products relevant to the 21st century. They can make you […]

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Using Google Analytics With QR Codes

As QR code use and implementation becomes more sophisticated, the reasons for having your own URL in the QR code, rather than a URL provided by an external shortening service, become more compelling: You want your customer to have the confidence of seeing your branded website address when their scanning app asks them if they […]

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TripGeo Streetview QR Code

I was reading the 10 Great Car Journeys in Street View post on the Google Maps Mania website which showcased the TripGeo tool for creating creating Google direction maps with animated Street View movies for the route – just set your starting point and your destination and TripGeo does the rest creating your own custom […]

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Version 2, Version 6 and Version 10 QR Codes

What Size Should A Printed QR Code Be?

When a QR code is published it should be of a size that’s appropriate for the scanning environment where it’s located. The finished printed size of the QR code is dependent on: The distance between the QR code and the scanning device – which determines the size of the QR code in the viewport of […]

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