

QR Code Access Management Tools

Quite often there will be times when you need to limit access to a QR code for privacy or security reasons, because the content that it links to can’t be released yet, or because you need to limit the number of times a QR code can be scanned. With a QR Stuff paid subscriber account […]

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Colour QR Codes

One of the more common reasons why a QR code won’t scan is because there isn’t enough contrast between the foreground and background colour used. For a QR code to be scanned reliably the contrast difference between the foreground colour and the background colour used in the QR code image must be large enough for […]

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Create a mail-merge data source in Excel

How To Make QR Code Labels & Stickers

Here’s some step-by-step instructions on using a label template in MS Word 2010 to create QR code sticker labels from a pre-made set of QR codes using the mail-merge function. We’ve used the Avery 22805 label template (1.5″ x 1.5″ 24 per sheet) but you can use any digital label template you want. The point we’re […]

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QRStuff QR Codes Go Visual With Visualead

QRStuff QR Codes Go Visual

Visualead and QRStuff have joined forces to make QR codes more attractive for users and more valueable for businesses seeking to engage mobile users. QR codes are all around us, and people are used to seeing and scanning them, yet they aren’t considered attractive. Visualead’s patent-pending technology changes how people engage with QR codes and […]

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Dynamic QR Codes

What Is A Dynamic QR Code?

A dynamic QR code is editable, as opposed to a static QR code which cannot be edited. Dynamic QR codes also allow for additional features like scan analytics, password protection, device-based redirection, and access management. Dynamic QR codes also result in a less dense QR code image that is more reliable to scan. Dynamic QR […]

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QR Codes In Tourism And Travel

If you’re planning on using QR codes in the tourism or travel industry the opportunities go way beyond simply adding a QR code to the back page of your brochure that links to your website. As the articles shown below point out, QR codes in tourism, travel and hospitality can be used for product and […]

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QR Code Error Correction

Part of the robustness of QR codes in the physical environment is their ability to sustain “damage” and continue to function even when a part of the QR code image is obscured, defaced or removed. This is acheived by using the Reed-Solomon Error Correction algorithm – some serious algebra that happens in background when the QR code is created. The […]

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QRlicious Make Custom QR Codes Easy

If you’re after a custom QR code you need look no further than QRlicious. Logos, branding, colors, and cool graphic effects that your customers won’t be able to resist scanning. And if you have a QR Stuff subscription (even a 24 hour $3.95 subscription) here’s how easy it is to create your QR code and get it […]

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QR Code Minimum Size

In my previous post,  What Size Should A Printed QR Code Be, I mentioned that it wasn’t the size of the QR code image that determined the minimum size at which a QR code could be scanned, it was actually the size of the modules (the little black squares) that make up the QR code image. If the size […]

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Password Protected QR Codes

There’s always been a need to password protect web content for security or privacy, but with QR codes being, by their very nature, very public, password protecting the QR code itself to limit access to the content it links to can add a “softer” security layer to that content. “Locking down” the content with a password […]

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How A QR Code Can Help You Find Your Keys

Pumping Station One recently feature a post on attaching a QR code to your keychain that will allow someone to scan the QR code on the keychain fob and automatically send you a text message that they found your keys, with their phone number included so you can call them and arrange to get your keys back. How can […]

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